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InterGPV™ Mounted Ear Defender - Hi-Vis Orange

Sell multiple: Piece
  • Conforms to and complies with EN 352-3
  • SNR 25
  • Adjustable Steel Arms
  • Light Low Profile Cups

Product Description

InterGPV™ Helmet Mounted Ear Defenders with extra visibility

The InterGPV™ are helmet mounted ear defenders designed for general purpose use. They are part of a range of helmet mounted ear defenders from JSP. The InterGPV™ are coloured a bright orange to add extra visibility

Features and Benefits

International slot compatibility means the InterGPV fits the complete range of JSP Safety Helmets and are even compatible with the JSP Surefit™ visor system. Easy to attach and detach with spring loaded arms that give an excellent fit to the ear. The steel arms maintain a constant and even pressure, whether hot or cold conditions, no matter how long user wears the cups for. When not in use the arms allow the cups to stand off clearly from the head.

Conforms to and complies with EN 352-3.

  • Universal Slot Compatibility - Fits the complete range of JSP Safety Helmets and also compatible with the JSP Surefit™ Visor. system for maximum protection.
  • Adjustable Steel Arms - The wearer can tilt and adjust the position of the cup for optimum comfort and fit, also offering even distribution of pressure.
  • Light, Low Profile Cups - The InterGP™ feature a low profile and lightweight design.
  • Comfort - Thick, wide and soft cushions provide comfort for prolonged use.
  • Extra Visibility - These ear defenders are coloured a bright orange to help increase visibility.
  • SNR = 25DB - For general purpose hearing protection.


Other Colours

Product Reviews

Weights & Dimensions

Pack quantity: 1
Height: 10CM
Width: 14CM
Length: 15CM
Weight: 0.32KG

Pack quantity: 10
Height: 16CM
Width: 30CM
Length: 51CM
Weight: 3.675KG


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InterGP™ Mounted Ear Defenders
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