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JSP Health Service

COVID-19 Technical support

This section provides useful resources surrounding the usage of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) within and around the NHS and Healthcare services. The information has been produced by JSP as well as providing information from other recognised sources such as Public Health England and the HSE.

Contact us

We are here for support. If you need assistance please contact us using the form below. Include as much information possible including supporting documents using the upload button. Please read the documents below before submitting your question as they contain information that could answer your question without delay.

Data captured by this form is only used for technical support. Data & Privacy Policy.

RPE support documents

The use and cleaning of Industrial Respiratory Protective Equipment to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19

The World Health Organisation (WHO) are promoting FFP2 and N95 masks to help in preventing the spread of Coronavirus. The UK NHS have stated that FFP3 masks should be used by medical practitioners. However, due to the availability of Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) different types are being considered for use to help protect against COVID-19.

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Comparison of International Disposable Dustmask Standards

Disposable Dustmasks, or Filtering Face Pieces, are a universal product around the world, but there are many different standards. One of the most common is the European Standard which many countries adopt under their own reference. Another common one is the American standard which is actually a Federal Regulation, 42 part 84 (commonly written as 42-CFR-84).

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Fit Testing - A brief Guide

During the current Covid–19 situation NHS guidance, for certain tasks, is to use FFP3 or equivalent product. Ensuring the product is suitable for the wearer can be ensured by carrying out of fit testing if appropriate.

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PPE support videos